Suddenly, after the inconceivable (and, we are now beginning to realize, suspicious) Trump victory, the nation was forced to contend with what it would mean, whether the “alt-right” was a true threat or a joke to be tolerated Did it matter that Trump had opened up a sewer pipe of racial hatred? Once again, normalization was the buzzword.

The rush to condemn the protesters at Berkeley is one facet of the program to normalize Trump. If you aren’t willing to fight Trump and his Republicans, if you aren’t willing to bleed some now, you are either with him, or you are going to bleed a whole lot, later. As someone has mentioned, when you seem to only elevate the speech rights of bigots and fascists, yet you are strangely silent on the rights of, for example, Black Lives Matter activists, then you are not pro-free speech-you are a fucking bigot.

When you are oddly silent about the curb stomping of Democratic voters by Republican thugs, but condemn the use of violence against racist firebrands like Yiannapolis, then you have been compromised. You are part and parcel of the normalization process. And you are  decidedly with the enemy.

And if you doubt for a moment where Republicans stand, and I’m talking about every goddamned one, from the Paul Ryan fanboi to the language mauling creep, here’s where they fucking stand. With Putin. They are fucking traitors. Every last ass-licking piss poor excuse for a human being among them.

You might find my style vulgar, but fuck you if you do. There’s nothing more vulgar than racism, state sanctioned murder of dissedents, and nominating members of the “fascism forever club” to the fucking supreme court.